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All solid state electrochemical systems-one step assembly



Statut des brevets

Priority patent of invention FR1051149 filed in February 18, 2010 and entitled  » Procédé de préparation d’une batterie monolithique par frittage sous courant pulsé »


Mickael DOLLE

Statut commercial

Research agreement, exclusive or non exclusive licenses


Laboratoire de réactivité et chimie des solides, a CNRS and Université de Picardie common Laboratory (UMR 6007), in Amiens, FRANCE



The aim of this invention is to replace usual liquid electrolytes (organic solvent and lithium salts) by solid electrolytes and to produce an all solid state battery.

The difficuly in manufacturing all-solid state batteries consists in sintering together ceramic electrodes and electrolyte materials without generating reaction between these materials.


This invention relates to a one-step assembly of an all solid state battery by a Spark Plasma Sintering process.

Two different mixtures are prepared:

Mixture 1: anode active material powder, electrolyte solid powder and an element improving the electronic conductivity

Mixture 2: lithium based cathode active material powder, electrolyte solid powder and an element improving the electronic conductivity

The assembly of the battery is made by superposition of a layer of mixture 1 and a layer of mixture 2 which are separated by an electrolyte powder layer. The three layers are sintered together in appropriate conditions.


Advantage of the process used in this invention:

– Quick and easy to implement;
– No secondary  reaction between the elements of the different layers;
– One step process;
– Benefits of the battery obtained with this process;
– Self-supported;
– Electrode layers are thicker than in all-solid state batteries available so far;
– Good electronic conductivity properties;
– Good thermal stability (up to 350°C)


This invention can be used to the manufacturing of « voluminous » all solid-state electrochemical generators (contrary to microbatteries).


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